The first ABSL BiH Business Service Leaders Talk
As a significant result in 2020 and a visible contribution to the development of the business services industry in Bosnia and Herzegovina, ABSL BiH has prepared and published the first Annual Country Report for Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Potential investors, members of ABSL in Bosnia and Herzegovina and other ABSL locations (Poland, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Romania and Latvia), international organizations and employers were introduced to numerous opportunities found within the local market in the form of companies, services, resources and competencies.
Our country’s potential in terms of talent, expertise and market advantages was highlighted throughout the report, with special focus on successful BiH companies within the industry.
The ABSL BiH team is certain that this report will positively affect the perception of the BiH market as an attractive business destination and make a key contribution to the development of this industry in Southeast Europe.
In order to promote the Report, to present ABSL BiH activities for 2021 and to encourage synergy between current and future ABSL members and foreign stakeholders, ABSL BiH is organizing the ABSL BiH Business Service Leaders Talk – first in a series of online panel discussions with industry experts!
The panel will encourage further discussions thematically related to current trends in the business services industry, and the importance of the location of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Western Balkans.
Speakers joining us for the day are:
Tomislav Glavaš (CEO of M + Connect)
Jacek Levernes (Honorary President of ABSL Poland)
Dino Ibrahimović (Managing Director of MENA Infobip)
The online panel discussion will be held on 11th March 2021, from 9:00 to 10:15 a.m., via Microsoft Teams.
You are kindly invited to participate for free by following this link!