We are proud to announce the publication of the ABSL BiH Country Report 2024 – your ultimate guide to the business services sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina!

Packed with insights, success stories, and expert contributions, this report serves as a comprehensive resource for understanding the trends, opportunities, and key players shaping our industry. Whether you’re an investor, partner, or industry professional, this report is designed to provide valuable knowledge and inspire growth.

Here’s what you can read in this years edition:

Country Profile – A deep dive into Bosnia and Herzegovina’s business services landscape.
Workforce Topics – Talent trends, compensation insights, and recruitment priorities.
Global Trends – Case studies showcasing AI, HR transformation, and IT outsourcing innovations.
Technology & Sustainability – Pioneering projects and their impact on the industry.
Success Stories – Inspiring examples of excellence from our member companies.
Special Contributors – Insights from thought leaders and institutions shaping the sector.
Cities – Spotlight on Sarajevo, Banja Luka, Tuzla, Zenica, and Mostar.
Yellow Pages – Your directory to Bosnia and Herzegovina’s top business service providers.

A huge thank you to our members, partners, and contributors for making this report a reality. Together, we are showcasing the strength and potential of our business community on a global stage.

Download the report


Saradnja Asocijacije Poslovnih Servis Lidera i Zavoda za zapošljavanje RS u BiH u cilju boljeg zapošljavanja

Asocijacija Poslovnih Servis Lidera (ABSL) i JU Zavod za zapošljavanje Republike Srpske u Bosni i Hercegovini, u partnerstvu sa RECONOMY programom, sarađivaće intenzivnije u cilju obezbjeđivanja što kvalitetnije radne snage za sektor poslovnih servisa i smanjenje nezaposlenosti. U tom cilju  iz Zavoda su najavili izmjene koje će olakšati saradnju u posredovanju između poslodovaca i nezaposlenih.

Na dvodnevnoj radionici 9. i 10. decembra na Jahorini učestvovali su predstavnici ABSL-a, direktor Zavoda, pomoćnici direktora, rukovodioci odjeljenja, filijala i šefovi biroa Zavoda i predstavnici kompanija iz sektora poslovnih servisa, članica ABSL-a. Cilj radionice bio je unaprjeđenje rada i saradnje između sektora poslovnih servisa i predstavnika Zavoda za zapošljavanje, diskusija o potencijalnim strategijama koje će doprinijeti efikasnijem funkcionisanju tržišta rada, razvoju programa i inicijativa koje će podržati zapošljavanje mladih, jačanju aktivnih mjera zapošljavanja i unapređenju usluga za nezaposlena lica.

Prisutnima su se na početku radionice obratili Damjan Škipina, direktor Zavoda za zapošljavanje RS i Nadina Gradaščević, direktorica ABSL-a u Bosni i Hercegovini.

“Postoji niz zakonskih rješenja koja ćemo u narednom periodu mijenjati i niz aktivnosti koje Zavod treba unaprijediti kako bi se približili i svoju funkciju obavljali što bolje u posredovanju između poslodavaca i lica koja se nalaze na našoj evidenciji,” kazao je gospodin Škipina.

“Nastavljamo aktivno raditi sa Zavodima za zapošljavanje u Bosni i Hercegovini s ciljem promoviranja sektora poslovnih servisa, pozicioniranja istog kao ključne grane privrede i u konačnici ekonomske integracije zemalja Zapadnog Balkana,” izjavila je Nadina Gradaščević, direktorica ABSL-a tokom prvog dana radionice.

Iskorištena je prilika da se predstavi Asocijacija poslovnih servis lidera (ABSL) i sektor poslovnih servisa. Kompanije članice: Concentrix, DDC, Manpower Group i Transcom razmatrale su trendove i istraživanja o talentima i prezentovali kompaniju iz sektora poslovnih servisa. Razgovaralo se o ključnim potrebama i izazovima biroa za zapošljavanje i sektora poslovnih servisa, kao i o izazovima u radu, s kojima se suočavaju šefovi biroa i poslodavci iz sektora poslovnih servisa.

“Naš cilj danas bio je predstavljanje veličine i snage sektora poslovnih servisa u našoj zemlji i koji je to zapravo potencijal za zapošljavanje. Ono što je sjajno jeste plodna diskusija između poslodavaca i predstavnika Zavoda i ovo je sjajna početna tačka za stvaranje dugoročnih odnosa,” kazala je Lana Bečirović iz kompanije Manpower.

O snazi BPO sektora i mogućnostima zaposlenja neovisno o geografskoj lociranosti govorila je Aleksandra Gajić iz kompanije Transcom i dodala: “Danas sam ovdje s ciljem osnaživanja naše saradnje sa Zavodima za zapošljavanje, obzirom da smo složni u činjenici da imamo mnogo neiskorištenog potencijala i da je potrebno jačati naše veze i podršku da bi smo mogli dalje rasti i razvijati se kao sektor.”

Predstavljen je i koncept specijalizirane platforme čija će svrha biti stvaranje jedinstvene baze vještina i znanja potrebnih kompanijama iz sektora poslovnih servisa i koja će znatno olakšati komunikaciju između poslodavaca iz sektora i zavoda za zapošljavanje.

Razgovaralo se i o programu „Garancija za mlade“ čijim provođenjem se Zavod obavezuje da će osigurati da mladi dobiju kvalitetnu ponudu za zaposlenje, nastavak obrazovanja, učenje kroz rad ili stažiranje u roku od četiri mjeseca od ulaska u status nezaposlenosti ili napuštanja, odnosno završetka formalnog obrazovanja.

Realizacija radionica podržana je od strane RECONOMY programa. RECONOMY je inkluzivni i zeleni program ekonomskog razvoja Švedske agencije za međunarodnu razvojnu saradnju (Sida), koji implementira HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation u zemljama Istočnog partnerstva i Zapadnog Balkana.


Building Europe’s competitive edge: the business services sector takes center stage

Employing nearly 40 million people and generating 20.4% of the EU-27’s GDP, the business services sector is a major contributor to national markets and economic growth. ABSL’s “European Business Services Sector 2024” report highlights the industry’s potential to boost competitiveness amid global economic and political shifts.

As the global landscape evolves, Europe needs to unlock its full growth potential. The European Commission’s 2024-2029 objectives prioritize competitiveness, strategic sectors, green transformation and financial stability. Key initiatives will drive cross-border projects and innovation, regulatory reform and develop strategic technologies such as artificial intelligence as well as defense capabilities, and shape a stronger Europe.

The business services sector supports the EU’s goals by making a significant contribution to both national economies and the wider EU agenda. According to the ABSL’s “European Business Services Sector 2024” report, in 2023 it generated 20.4% of EU-27 GDP. The business services sector employs nearly 40 million people across Europe (including the UK, Switzerland, and the EEA countries.

Talent, Technology, Transformation – the cornerstone for sector investment and growth

The business services sector encompasses a wide range of functions and processes that every organization, from companies to institutions, relies on daily to manage and enhance their operations as well as administration, increase efficiency, and drive growth. This sector includes a broad array of services, such as information technology (IT), finance, human resources (HR), marketing, customer service, research and development (R&D), supply chain operations, procurement, administration, consulting, and outsourcing.

“The basis for investment and growth in the sector is threefold: talent, technology, and transformation, all of which contribute to Europe’s competitive advantage. Highly skilled talent is a key factor in driving innovation, and attracting foreign investment to and across Europe, while technology in increasing productivity and efficiency, freeing up resources for higher-value specialized work. The synergy of talent and technology will drive the transformation of businesses, fostering growth, competitiveness, and long-term sustainability.” – says Jacek Levernes, Chairman of ABSL.

To stay ahead, Europe needs to leverage digital innovation, simplify regulations, and invest in upskilling its workforce as talent is crucial in the global competition for investment.

The key to Europe’s competitiveness is the talent pool

Europe’s business services sector stands out for its high-end, knowledge-intensive services including consultancy, R&D, IT services, legal advice, and marketing, all of which require talent with highly specialized skills. This is driven by the increasing demand for specialized expertise and innovative solutions that boost business growth and competitiveness. ABSL’s “European Business Services Sector 2024” report shows that employment in knowledge intensive business services in Europe totals nearly 14 million. Knowledge-intensive business services drive economic growth, innovation, and competitiveness, which in turn, create high-skilled jobs and attract foreign investment.

One of the most important strategic recommendations, outlined in the ABSL’s “European Business Services Sector 2024” report, is securing future talent through educational initiatives, and supporting the digital transformation of enterprises across the EU. A focus on operationalizing Europe’s Value-Added Chain (EVAC) is crucial for strengthening its global competitiveness.

“The future belongs to those who can harness the power of human ingenuity and technological advancements to drive innovation and growth. Organizations must merge human creativity with cutting-edge technology. This requires a workforce that’s not only tech-savvy but also agile, innovative, and committed to continuous learning. Upskilling is no longer a nicety, but a necessity.” – says Agnieszka Kubera, Country Managing Director in Poland, Accenture.


The ABSL European Business Services Sector 2024 report is a comprehensive analysis of the business services sector in Europe. The report provides crucial insights into the sector’s current status, key trends, and actionable policy recommendations, positioning it as an indispensable tool for strategic decision-making. This ABSL European Business Services Sector 2024 Report prepared in cooperation with Accenture is designed as a strategic compass of utmost importance to all stakeholders, executives and decision-makers. It was presented during ABSL European Forum, in Porto.

The report can be downloaded here.


Watch now: ABSL BFSI Club by PwC: Business Resilience and continuity

If you missed the insightful online session on business resilience and continuity with Lana Arnautović, Senior Manager at PwC BiH, don’t worry! You can still catch up by watching the recording on YouTube.

In this session, Lana explored how businesses in the financial sector can strengthen their strategies to navigate uncertainties and ensure long-term stability. Whether you’re a business leader, risk manager, or financial sector professional, this session offers valuable insights into continuity frameworks and practical solutions for building resilience.

Click the link below to watch the full recording and enhance your understanding of business continuity strategies for the financial sector.

Watch the session here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8u7PXYs56w


ABSL BiH at ABSL Forum in Porto: Europe at crossroads

he ABSL Forum in Porto brought together business leaders, policymakers, and innovators to discuss the future of the business services sector on the global map, its competitiveness and resilience. The message was clear: we are at a crossroads, and how we act today will determine the sector’s trajectory for the next decade.

What are the key findings from these two inspirations-fueled days? See them below ⬇️

Europe cannot afford to act in isolation. The future lies in partnerships, both within and outside the continent. At the same time, regional resilience is key. With geopolitical tensions rising, investors are prioritizing reliable jurisdictions and stable ecosystems. Europe must step up with a unified voice, offering both certainty and innovation.
Talent is key. As fertility rates decline and the talent pool shrinks, attracting, retaining, and upskilling people has never been more critical. Europe remains a magnet for talent worldwide due to its stability, but we must shift towards project-based and outcome-focused teaching to prepare a workforce ready to adapt, as well as invest in lifelong learning for both technical and soft skills, ensuring teams are agile and future-proof.
Technology, particularly AI, is transforming the sector. While some fear it will reduce demand for traditional services, the consensus is that AI is an enabler, not a replacement. It’s about creating new roles, improving decision-making, and unlocking opportunities we couldn’t imagine before.
Transformation is a strategic imperative for the business services sector. As global, social and technological disruption accelerates, organizations must focus on evolving their value propositions. Encouraging a mindset of continuous reinvention by embracing change as an opportunity rather than a risk.

Sustainability is no longer optional. It’s a business strategy. The sector must embrace hashtag
#ESG as a core driver of innovation and long-term value creation, think of ESG as an investment, not a cost, and build sustainable practices into every process, showing that Europe is committed to a better future.

The Forum underscored the need for leaders to be proactive, vocal, and united:
➡️ Advocate for smarter regulations that support innovation while protecting employees.
➡️ Strengthen cross-border collaboration to reduce fragmentation and unleash Europe’s collective potential.
➡️ Rethink location strategies to reflect a network of hubs, ensuring agility and proximity to markets.

By embracing technology, sustainability, and talent, and by forging global partnerships, we can ensure that Europe remains a leader on the global stage.

It’s not just about growth, it’s about purpose. The time to act is now! 🚨


ABSL IT Club by Authority Partners: No Code, Just AI!

Unlock the potential of AI without extensive coding at the ABSL IT Club powered by Authority Partners. In our session titled “No Code, Just AI,” Imer Muhovic, QA Engineer and Program Architect at Authority Partners, will share his first-hand experience building AI agents, including the challenges faced during the PA Summit. You’ll discover how AI tools can be built with minimal code and learn practical solutions to common obstacles when working with AI. 

This session introduces n8n, a low-code tool, and demonstrates how non-technical users can create AI agents, replicating the complexity of Python and LangChain solutions. Imer will also show how even technical professionals can benefit from using low-code platforms to streamline AI development. 

Key Takeaways: 

  • What AI agents are and how they are built. 
  • Experiences creating agents using LangChain and Python. 
  • How workflow automation tools like n8n empower non-technical users to create agents. 
  • How low-code platforms can benefit even seasoned developers by simplifying processes.


Why Attend? 

If you’re curious about exploring AI agents without diving into heavy coding, this session is tailored for you. Learn how to implement AI-powered solutions with accessible tools, gaining valuable insights to drive innovation in your own projects. 


About our Subject Matter Expert:

Imer Muhovic is a Program Architect and QA Engineer at Authority Partners with a diverse background in bioinformatics and application development. With experience building apps and data pipelines for marine biology labs, Imer has honed his skills in handling complex data workflows and automation. His expertise spans AI-driven solutions, low-code tools and quality assurance, making him a key contributor to innovative projects at Authority Partners. Imer excels in problem-solving, technical leadership and integrating emerging technologies into scalable, user-friendly systems. 


Diaspora Experts Knowledge Sharing Programme: Technology

Uvaženi predstavnici kompanija članica ABSL-a i sektora globalnih poslovnih servisa,

Zadovoljstvo nam je podijeliti sa Vama informaciju da će se u sklopu saradnje ABSL-a i USAID projekta „Diaspora invest“ 26.09.2024. godine održati radionica u sklopu Diaspora Experts Knowledge Sharing programa.

Cjelodnevnu radionicu će voditi gospodin Adnan Behmen na temu Technology: How to implement true and long-lasting digitalization/automation for your clients (within company or your customers)

Datum: 26.09.2024
Vrijeme: 09:00 – 16:00
Lokacija: SYS Edukacijski Centar, Zmaja od Bosne 12c

Učešće možete potvrditi do 19.09.2024.godine

Više o mentoru i programu:

Adnan Behmen je Senior IT direktor u kompaniji Procter & Gamble, gdje vodi i usmjerava visokoperformantne timove koji transformiraju poslovanje kroz tehnološke inovacije i implementacije. Sa preko 25 godina iskustva u IT sektoru, Adnan ima dokazanu historiju implementacije složenih, velikih i globalnih projekata koji omogućavaju rast, efikasnost i sigurnost P&G-a. Osim toga, njegova misija je koristiti svoje znanje iz SAP-a, unapređenja procesa, upravljanja projektima i IT sigurnosti kako bi pokretao digitalnu transformaciju i inovacije u P&G-u i šire.

Registrujte se putem linka: https://forms.office.com/e/DtWwrqLQ8J


Make your story stand out: Participate in the ABSL BiH Country Report 2024

Dear members of the global business services sector,

We invite you to participate in the ABSL BiH Country Report 2024!

The previous editions of the ABSL BiH Country Report were a huge success, showcasing Bosnia and Herzegovina at EXPO 2020 Dubai and the World Economic Forum in Davos. Now, we invite YOU to be part of the 2024 edition!

Join us in highlighting the strengths and opportunities within the Bosnian market. Contribute your insights and expertise, and gain unparalleled exposure as a thought leader in the global business services industry.

Interested in participating? Contact us at info@absl.ba , to secure your spot and make your mark in this influential publication.

Let’s collaborate to drive our collective success and put Bosnia and Herzegovinas business-services sector on the global business map!


Support for BPO companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina

ABSL Bosnia and Herzegovina is delighted to announce that for the very first time companies within the BPO sector have been given the opportunity to receive financial support from the government!

Within the support program for small businesses in Sarajevo Canton for 2021, two public calls were published in order to support training and new employment in the sectors of BPO and IT.

The total available funds for the two public calls amount to 640.000BAM500.000BAM are planned to support IT entrepreneurship while 140.000BAM are going to support employment in the field of administrative export-oriented services – the BPO sector.

The maximum amount of funds that can be awarded to one company through these calls is 70.000BAM (IT sector) or 35.000 (BPO sector). In the case of both open calls, companies are expected to employ a certain number of new employees, for a minimum period of one year. Incentive per new employee equals to 10.000BAM or 7.0000BAM, depending on the sector in question.

Criteria for applying to these public calls, the method for application evaluation and the application forms can be found on the website of the Ministry of Economy of Sarajevo Canton – IT sector / BPO sector.

In order to ensure needed support and to encourage IT and BPO companies to participate in these public calls, the Ministry of Economy of Sarajevo Canton, in cooperation with ABSL Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Bit Alliance, will hold a public online presentation.

The presentation will focus on experiences of similar public calls, frequent application mistakes and on providing technical support to companies during the process of application preparation. The participants will also get the opportunity to familiarize themselves with other relevant and useful open calls, benefiting their sectors.

The joint presentation is scheduled to take place on Thursday, July 22nd 2021 (from 14:00PM to 16:00PM) and all interested companies are kindly invited to join in via Zoom.


The first ABSL BiH Business Service Leaders Talk

As a significant result in 2020 and a visible contribution to the development of the business services industry in Bosnia and Herzegovina, ABSL BiH has prepared and published the first Annual Country Report for Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Potential investors, members of ABSL in Bosnia and Herzegovina and other ABSL locations (Poland, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Romania and Latvia), international organizations and employers were introduced to numerous opportunities found within the local market in the form of companies, services, resources and competencies.

Our country’s potential in terms of talent, expertise and market advantages was highlighted throughout the report, with special focus on successful BiH companies within the industry.

The ABSL BiH team is certain that this report will positively affect the perception of the BiH market as an attractive business destination and make a key contribution to the development of this industry in Southeast Europe.

In order to promote the Report, to present ABSL BiH activities for 2021 and to encourage synergy between current and future ABSL members and foreign stakeholders, ABSL BiH is organizing the ABSL BiH Business Service Leaders Talk – first in a series of online panel discussions with industry experts!

The panel will encourage further discussions thematically related to current trends in the business services industry, and the importance of the location of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Western Balkans.

Speakers joining us for the day are:

Tomislav Glavaš (CEO of M + Connect)

Jacek Levernes (Honorary President of ABSL Poland)

Dino Ibrahimović (Managing Director of MENA Infobip)

The online panel discussion will be held on 11th March 2021, from 9:00 to 10:15 a.m., via Microsoft Teams.
You are kindly invited to participate for free by following this link!

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